Letting Ana Go Pdf Free Download

Letting Ana Go Pdf Free Download
Letting Ana Go Pdf Free Download

Add These 4 Anonymously Written Books to Your Reading List

Whatever you do, don't read the book with no name.

Shenbaga Lakshmi

Anonymous author

Image by Uboiz from Pixabay

"Classic — a book which people praise and don't read."–Mark Twain.

I almost only read fiction because most self-help books don't resonate with me. Even when my friends ask for book recommendations to improve different aspects of their life, my suggestions are always fiction. I firmly believe that fiction can teach us way more than we imagine.

Yet, a friend from my book club pointed out that I'm missing out on several remarkable books with my inclination towards specific genres.

And in a way, she was right.

Even today, when I search for new books to read, my search terms usually resemble "Best mystery books of 2021" or "Latest fantasy books to read." While these searches have introduced me to some incredible books, the kinds of works I read have been the same since forever.

So, when my book club proposed reading challenges, I was excited. These challenges are known to enhance your reading experience and help you find incredible books. As part of the activity, we gave each other random challenges with twists.

While my friends read VIBGYOR-titled or Christmas-themed books, I read four anonymously written books, one each week. The twist in the challenge was to choose books from different genres.

I was both delighted and inspired. For someone who often reads fantasy books, this was indeed a unique experience.


Beowulf, written by Anonymous

Source: Goodreads

Beowulf is a classic poem believed to be composed in the 8th Century CE. It is one of the most treasured poems of Old English Literature. While the book was not printed and distributed until 1815, the British Library preserves a 1000-year old copy of the manuscript.

We attribute the book's modern-day translations to two authors — J. R. R. Tolkien and Seamus Heaney.


The story is set in two countries — Denmark and Sweden.

The first part of the poem describes the courage of a Swedish prince, Beowulf, who saves a Danish kingdom from the atrocities of two swamp demons.

The second part of the poetry revolves around the ascension of Beowulf after the Swedish king, King Hygelac, is killed in the war.

As king, Beowulf rules the country peacefully for several years till a dragon attacks the land. Despite being old and weak, he still fights the dragon and defeats it. However, in the battle, he also gets mortally wounded and dies.

The ballad ends with a somber tone when the warrior king's followers bury him.


The classic poem based on Anglo-Saxon society has elements of the Christian spirit and Pagan culture. It emphasizes the custom of celebrating good over evil, and even the death of Beowulf is considered a heroic act rather than a tragic one.

The poem, even though, describes the brave actions of Beowulf, is classified as an elegy. J. R. R. Tolkien describes parts of the ballad as compositions that relay accomplishments and worthy moments of a dying warrior.

For me, the poem was in a complex genre that I'd never tried before. Even though I needed some time and help to understand the composition, I'd still recommend it to those who like challenges and some fresh glimpses of the early Nordic culture.

"It is always better
to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning.
For every one of us, living in this world
means waiting for our end. Let whoever can
win glory before death. When a warrior is gone,
that will be his best and only bulwark."
― Seamus Heaney, Beowulf

The Book With No Name

book with no name by Anonymous

Source: Goodreads

I came across this book while searching for suggestions and was intrigued by the fact that this book has no name and author. And after finishing Beowulf, I knew I needed a relatively easy read.

The Book With No Name was first self-published online. However, later when the book garnered a lot of appreciation, it was published in print.

The success of this book led to the Bourbon Kid Series, which now has seven books in the set.


The storyline is wildly complex. But I'll try to sum it up without giving it away.

Detective Miles Jensen has to find the culprit of a supernatural killing spree before things got out of hand. He encounters several characters from the town connected in creepy ways. Plus, there's an ancient book named 'The Book With No Name,' and whoever reads this book dies mysteriously. How these seemingly random pieces link together is the book's plot.


I'd recommend this gripping and fast-paced book to anyone who loves crazy fantasy filled with tricks, mysteries, and deceit.

The book has an incredible storyline that we can't classify into a particular genre. It has elements of horror, crime, mystery, and fantasy. In fact, the author's multi-genre writing style is a reason for the book's success.

The plot is weird, twisted, and action-packed, but the remarkable writing style makes it work. With psychics, rogue kids, hitmen, an amnesia patient, a supernatural serial killer, and a mysterious stone, this book has a lot to tell.

"Whatever you do, don't read the book with no name."

Letting Ana Go

Letting Ana Go by Anonymous

Source: Goodreads

Letting Ana Go is a book about mental health, addiction, and anorexia.

A friend from the book club suggested this book to me. When I dived into the fantasy world after reading Beowulf, she wanted to choose a different genre for the next read.

If you appreciated reading Go Ask Alice , you'll probably like this book too, as it supposedly has a similar approach.


The story is from an unnamed teenage girl's diary.

While the girl may have everything she needs, deep down, she feels insignificant. Her high expectations and harsh judgments make her feel unworthy. And when she associates her parent's problems with her mother's overweight issues, her motive to eat less becomes apparent. She believes that appearance is the basis for most difficulties, and being thin and attractive is the only solution.

So, when her friend announces she's planning to lose ten pounds, the lead character is intrigued and wants to try it out too.

She starts eating way less than usual and glorifies the act too. She feels powerful and in control, as she believes it gives her the strength she craves. Even when her loved ones repeatedly request her to change her eating habits, she can't and won't, for she's hooked.

However, things didn't go as she hoped. The weight-loss journey turned into an addiction that complicated life.

Towards the end of the story, I realized that all of us fight similar battles, yet, our circumstances and outcomes are different. It may be easier for some to pull through, but others find it difficult.


The story is simple and relevant that touches upon the lives and struggles of teenagers. It isn't a pleasant read, but an essential read nonetheless.

The book shows you the consequences of misinformed decisions. While I may not be anorexic, I've had my fair share of struggles with body issues, and I know how it feels to be self-judged. So, when the story linked attractiveness to eating less, I could quite vividly relate to the girl's thoughts and traps.

The book aims to educate people on eating disorders and obsessive compulsion, but it can also trigger sensitive emotions. Many have reported feeling disturbed by the emotions displayed in the book. So, if you're an emotional person, then maybe reconsider your plan to read this book.

"If you want to change something, change it. Don't just sit around sighing all day like a balloon losing air." ― Anonymous, Letting Ana Go.

The Kingfisher Secret

The Kingfisher Secret by Anonymous

Source: Goodreads

As part of the challenge's final week, I wanted to read something distinctive.

I'd read Peter May's Coffin Road and was fascinated with his style of spinning reality with fiction. I told my friends that I wanted to read a thought-provoking story that gives a unique perspective of actual events.

They gave me The Kingfisher Secret.

This book is a thrilling political drama about events surrounding the 2016 US elections. The author wishes to remain anonymous, for he wants to maintain the ideas used in the book.


The book involves a Russian secret agent code-named Kingfisher. She's assigned to manipulate a wealthy politician turned business tycoon. While she's on her mission, under certain circumstances, her life takes a turn.

On the other hand, a journalist has received the biggest tip of her life. But no one will help her out with the investigation as the consequences are dire. How she maneuvers through the obstacles to find the truths makes the story worth reading.


It's a work of fiction with elements of reality. The author's style of blurring truth and fabrication between timelines keeps the reader engaged.

Without associating the book characters with similar real-life characters, you'll notice that the storyline is a gripping political thriller filled with surprises, secrets, and wicked plots. And if that's something you enjoy reading, then you should definitely add this book to your reading list.

"If you want to, you can have lots of fun and go down a rabbit hole with the book, which I found fun as I was writing it," he says. "It's a work of fiction. It's made-up. But, like other spy stories, I want it to have a cracked mirror on reality." — Author for Calgary Herald.

Final Thoughts

I completed this challenge with four books from different genres — classic poetry, fantasy, mental health, and a political thriller.

Though I mostly stuck to fiction, the books I read were distinct in their ways. Completing the challenge helped me realize the value of expanding my reading list to include books from genres that I rarely read.

As I intend to re-read these books again, I hope you'll join me too. Also, let me know about the anonymously written books you've read.

For more recommendations:

Source: https://baos.pub/add-these-4-anonymously-written-books-to-your-reading-list-d3799c9bf220

Posted by: eldridgeae2065calnimptewaa.blogspot.com
